
HEB Packaging Collection: Special Product Lines

Each month HEB stores were offered a specialty item with special tag and one pager featuring it. These were often rare plants that required callout tags, but were sometimes holiday specific giftables, specialty carriers, or designed craft pots.

Client: HEB Role: Designer and Illustrator Year: 2019-2023

Ecommerce Packaging Redesign

In an effort to elevate the ecommerce experience, packaging was developed so that plants leaving the distribution center were in clearly marked boxes that also appealed to the variety of audiences serviced by 10+ online retailers including 1-800-Flowers and The Sill.

The final designs featured a craft look for the laid back plant enthusiast buying plants in terra cotta, and a more luxurious black and white design for the luxury, blooming giftables.

Client: Green Circle Growers

Role: Art Director

Year: 2022

In addition to mass appeal, boxes also needed to be labeled with certificates updated bi-annually. To reduce labor and print costs, a QR code system was developed to keep the certificates up to date. As first in the industry to do so, I lead several calls with ecommerce leaders, helping them implement the system.

The image to the far left was the most up to date solution prior to the QR code one developed by me on the right.

Conceptual Max and Miles Packaging

Client: HEB Role: Designer Year: 2023


Website Design

